Raphaëlle Roux
Fotografin, Illustratorin, Eventmanagerin, Darstellerin, Künstlerin.
Contact glasmond [at] gmail [dot] com.
Design & Art:
Photography | Illustration | Product Design | Pixelart | Animation | Fashion Design | Mock-Ups | Style Imitation | Interior Design | Tattoo Design | Calligraphy | Homepage Design | Character Design
Product & Management
Event Management | Team Management | Community Management (Patreon, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) | Product Distribution
Fine Arts & Music
Acting & Entertainment | Acting & Scripting | Bavarian Voice Acting | Cover & Composing | Modeling | Plot Writing | Filming & Cutting
Costume & Fashion
Wig Styling | Sewing | Fashion Design | Make-Up | Prop Making
Genre & Scenes
Body Positivity, LGBT+, Cartoons & Animations, Videogame, Cosplay, Photography, Fandom Dynamics
Click here for an overview and examples of my expertise.


Local Geek Store
The ITEM SHOP in Munich was a local community oriented geek lifestyle store, hosting many events.
CEO, Manager, Corporate Design, Sale Management
Links: Homepage | Instagram | Facebook | Galileo Report

Super Geek Night
Germanys Biggest Geek Party
2014, 2015, 2016
With partners like Microsoft, Nintendo, Cartoon Network & more.
Founder, Management
Links: Homepage | Facebook | Youtube Videos

7.5 Billion Flowers; Embrace yourself!
Non Profit Body Positive Project
Since 2017
Exhibitions all over Germany.
Founder, Manager and one of the two artists.
Links: Homepage | Exhibition Video | Exhibition Video 2 | Facebook | Instagram

KreaFa Guild
Fantasy Photography Event
Since 2019
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A non-profit photography event in a castle with fantasy models & photographers from all over germany.
Founder & Manager
Links: Instagram

Through The Lands
Printed & Digital Comic Shortstories
Since 2018
Founded together with Sarah Nieves as the artist, the short stories focus on morals and personal growth.
Writer & Manager
Links: Webcomic

Gwenbari Rosenhain
Dwarven Lady Walking Act
Since 2016
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High quality dwarven costume, also often called "The bearded lady". Can be booked for events, as a host or entertainer.
Design, Actress
Links: Instagram

Space Punk Rocks
Entertainment Group
A non profit showgroup based on the characters of Steven Universe by Cartoon Network.
Founder, Management
Links: Music Video | Facebook | Instagram

Geek Cookies
Fortune Cookies for Geeks
Since 2016
These fortune cookies featured a couple of hundred different geeky messages, such as "404 fortune not found", "Live long and prosper" or a rickroll url.
Design, Production & Distribution
Links: contact me for business inquiries

Geek Dating
Speed Dating for Geeks
Since 2014
It's exactly what it sounds like. Except that it's for LGBT+ folks, too!
Founder, Management
Links: Facebook Event

Pregnancy & belly related painting series
Since 2020
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Work against conversion Therapy
Member of a commission against conversion "therapy" - a procedure that treats homosexuality as sickness
Links: Facebook | Abschlussbericht der Kommission | Jetzt Interview | weiterer Bericht

Kompliment Ninja
Non Profit Compliment Cards
(Not published yet)
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You can order compliment cards online for free or print them, then distribute them to strangers.
Founder, Management
Links: Homepage

Non-profit item sawp
Part of the Item Shop, we had an own room just for exchanging old geek items, like videogames, comics & more. You put something in you didn't need anymore and take out something of alike value.
Links: Facebook | Explanaition

Crocheting nipples for awareness
Since 2020 (not published yet)
#goingflat #teamnonipples - some people don't have nipples, and that's fine. There are also still so many stigmata around female presenting nipples. To raise awareness, I started my nipple crocheting project.

Playlist Collection
Mood and event themed public Spotify playlists
Since 2014
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Granted, this is more of a personal project, but since there are over 100+ playlists by now that have been used in shops, events, roleplaygroups and more it's worth mentioning.
If you're an agent or musician and want me to check out your work, send me an email.
Links: Spotify Playlists
For any business inquiry or other contact write at glasmond [at] gmail [dot] com.
"Expectations" Gallery
KreaFa Guild
The KreaFa Guild ("Kreativ-Fantasy" in German) is a fantasy photographer/model event that happens once or twice a year. We all come together in a special, medieval or phantastic location to get creative and produce fantastic works together. The KreaFa Guild isn't a set one, everyone can enter who has a passion for fantasy and can either model or photograph - though the participants are limited.
I'm the founder and sponsor of this event, together with the St. Anne Stiftung.

Next to making the playlist, I also create quick little covers.
Some of my favorite playlists are:
Home is where these tunes are
Tokyo 1986
Escape and P A U S E the moment
Voll laser wie die abgeht, die Playlist
Fight like a Girl
Drinking alone at 3AM
Witch Music
Here you can see all public Spotify Playlists.
Gwenbari Rosenhain
Fanarts & Original Works:

"Kompliment Ninja" (German for "Compliment Ninja") is a non-profit project to help people get together and learn expressing positive emotions without ulterior motives. Once the project is finished, you can order the small business-card-sizes compliments for free or print them yourself, and then it's your turn to be a Ninja! Slip the cards into the pockets of the people you admire or be brave and give them to them directly. The cards say things like "I really like your hair" or "You have a wonderful presence!".